“Bichos!” Bugs
They call cicadas “Chicharras” found a ton in the classroom!
I’ve seen my girls hold moths like this and their was one in our room so I caught it!
Rescued a doggo for this sweet old lady in town who owns a souvenir shop in town
How we carry the littles to the tiendita across the street!
Just the girls being girls!
Professional photographers
“If the mountains bow in reverence so will I”
There is a hike in town that looks over all of Rurre, this is me at the top!
Little pink riding hood on rainy days!
The moms and their babies
Out like a light after throwing a tantrum
Just crossing Rurre streets
We get scared when Azumi recharges
School was canceled due to rain but I made them do school anyway like they normally would!
Just the girls loving on each other!
Laundry dayyy
Cindy Lou Who or Nirza? Can’t tell the difference
Future architects
The girls braided my hair!
Carrera con Nirza! She clearly won!
Our tres pequeñas
What I looked like on my birthday

Alvaro’s tiger he made in art class
Azumi is our resident frog wrangler
Gave the boys building blocks and they pulled up on me like a gang “Teacher, manos arriba!”
Hair by Azumi
Watercolor finger painting
The little Guerreros walking home from school
Diana’s a and her bug
Azumi (Pinkie) I just got her ready for culto (worship)
“You got games on your computer”
Our director somehow got into his head it would be a good idea for me to be designated translator…
I always try to make a supporting dish if I’m helping in a house. This night it was breadsticks for the Guerreros!
Sweet Fabiola
Jhoel putting some plants in my hair
Jesus again! Every time I wanted a picture he was always upset about something so I make sure it take pictures when he’s in a good mood!
Azumi is that girl
Weekly SM feast!
Baby Santa!
Ticiane & Dianara
Go Pro .5!!!
Juancito & Isaac photobombing again
Jesus & Isaac photo bombing!
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